August 2023

Your official monthly newsletter for the Pendle villages of Barley, Newchurch, Roughlee, Sabden Fold & Spenbrook.

Sign up for the monthly email below:

St. Mary’s Church PCC

A time of change...

This month sees the beginning of a Vacancy for our parish. Rev. Julie has moved to a new post in her beloved North-East. No doubt some of us feel very uncertain and apprehensive as we are used to Rev. Julie’s guiding hand in organising our Christian life. Who will take the services, choose the hymns, visit our schools, preach the sermons, visit the sick, run the PCC, write the articles and all the rest of the work that she did for us?

It is certainly a time of change for people of St. Mary’s and our sister church St. Thomas’s, but also probably for many …


Barley Parish Council

Playground, village maintenance, defibrillator training, balsam...

There has not been a meeting of the Parish Council in July but we have we have still been hard at work on village maintenance, projects and several business issues to deal with.

On Sunday 15th July the Barley Parish Council hosted a resident engagement session on the playground project, with snacks and juice provided. Children and parents were invited to attend at Barley village hall between 4-5 in the afternoon. They could then look over the submitted designs and give their thoughts on the proposals. We had a good attendance, and the park designs were well received by both parents and children; the seesaw was …


Goldshaw Booth Parish Council

The Flower Fairy’s been at it again...

Thank you to the Flower Fairy for the voluntary transformation of the flower boxes in Newchurch – they look fabulous as usual!

The Parish has a number of un-sung heroes. Be assured your quiet voluntary actions are noticed; from litter picking to weeding, strimming to planting thank you. Your help is much appreciated.

We will be having a follow-up planting day on Newchurch park soon. We will be adding to the existing fruit trees with the fruit bushes, transplanting raspberries and tending the raised beds. Please keep an eye on the Goldshaw Booth Facebook page for news and join us for …


Roughlee Parish Council

Reporting highways issues, planning updates, lengthsman...

Our annual parish meeting attracted more than 50 residents in early July with some new faces (to me at least) present. There were presentations from the Village Centre (Glen Watson), the local PCSO (Alan Fielding), both Lancashire County and Pendle Borough Councillors (Howard Hartley and David Gallear), the Roughlee Pantomime team (Stuart Applegate), the FORA team (Meg Davey and Ian Mortimer), the Pendle Radicals from Mid Pennine Arts and myself on behalf of the Parish Council. The PC and VC team were able to introduce a new Councillor and reflect on some of the key events over the last year including the new patio doors …


Roughlee Village Centre

Duck Race 12 Aug, Autumn/Winter events...

Duck Race – Sat 12 August, 6pm outside school and then RVC evening event from 7pm. The Evening Event is ticket-only, with slow roasted beef or vegetarian quiche (£12.50) or jumbo sausage for kids (£5) – all come with salads, pastas, etc and garlic roasted new potatoes or new potatoes. Bring your own drinks. Duck tickets available from Committee members (Stuart Ingram, Gillian Dawson, Michael Davy, Linda Brotherton, Graham Hill, Juliana & Chris Wilson, Gail Carson, Paul Wheatcroft, Judith Skellorn, Janet Starkie). For food tickets contact DONALD or ring 07849 774438

We have had a quiet few weeks to recharge the batteries before our autumn/winter explosion:

Planning Applications

Applications validated in June & July 2023

For full details, or to comment, please enter the reference number, keyword, postcode or address on the Pendle Borough Council Planning system:

Barley with Wheatley Booth parish

  • No new applications

Goldshaw Booth parish

  • Ref. No: 23/0495/VAR – Spenbrook Mill Spenbrook Road Newchurch In Pendle Lancashire BB12 9JH – Variation of Condition: Vary Condition 2 (Plans) of Planning Permission 13/13/0531P
  • Ref. No: 22/0457/TCA – Sabden Great Hall Sabden Fold Higham Burnley Lancashire BB12 9LS – Works to trees within a Conservation Area

Roughlee Booth parish

  • Ref. No: 23/0365/FUL – Roughlee School Blacko Bar Road Roughlee Lancashire BB9 6NX – Full: Installation of a Tarnhow Dome Free Standing Canopy
  • Ref. No: 23/0441/HHO – Bank End Farm Blacko Bar Road Roughlee Lancashire BB9 6NJ – Full: Demolition of existing outbuilding and the erection of a part single storey and part two storey extension to the side and rear.

Reuben Burton Trust Fund

Applications invited

Former pupils of Newchurch and Roughlee Schools, who are undertaking a course of study at University or other Higher Education Centre, are invited to apply for a small grant from the Reuben Burton Trust on sending details of their intended course and post academic career before 1st September 2023 to Mrs M Kobak, 145 Gisburn Road, Barrowford, Nelson BB9 6HQ, email

The grant is payable at the end of the year’s study, subject to confirmation of successful completion, and candidates may apply for each year of the course duration.

Friends of Newchurch School

100 club draw

The winners of the Friends of Newchurch School 100 Club draw for July are:

  • 1st prize of £25 – no. 53, Ian Duxbury
  • 2nd prize of £20 – no. 37, Pauline Hargreaves
  • 3rd prize of £15 – no. 65, Pia Lyle

Congratulations to our winners and thank you to everyone for taking part!

St. Mary’s CE Primary School

Rushbearing, Waddow Hall, school production...

Thank you to all who helped to make the crowns and crosses for our Rushbearing service, baked delicious cakes, made teas and coffees and entertained us with music and Morris Dancing. All of which made this a very special occasion for this years Queens and their families. Thank you Reverend Julie for making it all happen.

The Yr 6 pupils had their residential trip to Waddow Hall were they enjoyed abseiling, escape rooms and fencing, we are so proud of how hard they have all worked and know they are all excited to start the next step of their education in September!

The KS2 staff and pupils …


72 Seasons

29 July – 2 August: Damp Earth, Humid Heat

Did you know we are around half way through the dog days of summer. The dog days or dog days of summer are (supposed to be) the hot, sultry days of summer. They were historically the period following the heliacal rising of the star system Sirius, which Greek and Roman astrology connected with heat, drought, sudden thunderstorms, lethargy, fever, mad dogs, and bad luck! In 2023, the dog days are between July 3 and August 11 in the northern hemisphere, when the dog-star Sirius rises with the sun, thus adding to the heat it gave out – to such extent that dogs are inclined to …


Events in Barley: August 2023

  • Pendle Forest History Group – Wed 16th August, 7.30pm at Barley Village Hall – Business Meeting with items of interest. Members £2.00, Visitors £3.00. Email →
  • Pendle Patchers – 8th & 22th August, from 1pm at Barley Village Hall – The Patchers are on a roll! This month another member completed a quilt, which we’ve recorded for our archives. I’m not sure if it is an inspiration for the less accomplished quilters in the group or slightly intimidating but we could all appreciate the quality of the work and the design and colour blends. We’ll be meeting during August on the …
    [ READ MORE → ]

St. Mary's Church

August 2023 Services

Our Parish Church exists to be the people of God, through faith in Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, worshipping Him, making disciples and serving others.

Services will take place at 9:30am on the following dates:

  • Sunday 6th August
  • Sunday 13th August
  • Sunday 20th August
  • Sunday 27th August

Plus, be privy to exciting plans for Patronal Festival weekend…

The Bishop of Blackburn will lead a special service at 3pm on 3rd September to celebrate progress made on building works for St Mary’s Narthex. He will be blessing the works complete so far – including the brand-new toilet! Afterwards celebrations will continue with a Barbeque Feast at Chris and Val’s. Cost is £15 each and all are welcome. Please let them know if you’d like to join in by Sunday 27th August.

Contact Douglas or Gin for more details on 07907 458 894 or 07887 844 025. Alternatively email or