Barley Parish Council
Drainage, parking, planning, fish...
It was just one year ago we were completing drainage works on the Village Green and they have been tested this last couple of months, the north west having its wettest July since records began back in 1891. The only comfort we take is that the drains were put in last year and not this year – hopefully we will have an “Indian Summer” with better weather in the autumn.
The County Council have told us that the resident parking could be operational in September and I am sure this will be welcomed by many residents. Once installed we will see more frequent enforcement officer visits in the area monitoring the resident parking zone and double yellow lines around the village. The Parish Council has also ordered a second tablet for issuing parking charges on the Turning Area, this will mean the PC are not just relying on one tablet and one person to issue parking charges, there will now be cover when they are not in the village.
There have been two planning decisions in the last month. The outline application to construct 5No dwelling houses at Whitehough, which was referred to the planning inspectorate, was dismissed because of the unacceptable effect on i) the significance of the conservation area with regards to its setting and ii) the safety of users by way of the proposed access arrangements. The application to introduce a mobile catering trailer to Boothman Wood was refused by Pendle BC on the grounds that the development would result in unacceptable harm to the character and scenic beauty of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Works progressing in the village include the erection of a new finger post sign down at Whitehough and works to take down and rebuild the masonry wall adjacent to the Women’s Institute Garden on the car park, as reported in the last newsletter, are in progress at the time of writing.
You might have been aware that the Borough Council has just completed a lengthy consultation upon its proposed new planning policies, referred to as the “Pendle Local Plan 2021-2040”, which will shape the future of the borough. The Parish Council reviewed the document and responded that they wholly welcomed and endorsed the content and we now await the final document and its adoption by PBC.
News in brief, there is a “Fish Van” selling fresh fish every Wednesday in Barley from 1245Hrs to 1330Hrs near the Village Hall. Unfortunately, we did not get through to the final of the Best Kept Village competition and in the last week we have had bike thieves in the area so be aware, they are out there.
Finally, congratulations and best wishes to Bradley Goss of Barley Green and his new wife Hannah who got married earlier this month.