- Pendle Forest History Group – Wed 18th October, 7.30pm at Barley Village Hall – Business Meeting with items of interest. Members £2.00, Visitors £3.00. Email →
- Barley Chapel table tennis club (adults) – Tuesdays 7 to 9pm. Just come along
- Pendle Patchers – 10th & 24th Oct, from 1pm at Barley Village Hall – Pendle Patchers have continued to have a healthy attendance during the school summer holidays, despite grandparenting duties and trips away. Now the evenings are drawing in, talk is around Christmas projects, whether patched, crotcheted, knitted or embroidered, in the hope of getting things completed in time. We have also planned an outing to the Knitting & Stitching show in Harrogate in November, when no doubt we’ll all buy more things we didn’t know we needed. If you’d like to call in to meet the group, we will be meeting at Barley Village Hall on Tuesdays, 10th and 24th October between 1.00pm and 4.00pm, or contact Gil Beeke on 01282 602449 / Email →
- Barley WI – 1st Wed of the month, 7.30pm at Barley Village Hall – a great age span from 20 somethings to 80 somethings so ladies please come along and spend an evening with us and try before you buy
- Card making class – 1st and 3rd Mon of each month, 1-3pm at Barley Village Hall – for details contact Valerie on 01282 691850
- Coffee and Chat – 2nd Wed of each month, 10am-12pm at Barley Village Hall – All welcome, not just the old folk – £2 gets coffee (or tea) and cake!
- FOG Club – Thurs evenings, 6.30pm-7.45pm at Barley Chapel – Call Angela Hargreaves on 07967 121031 for more information