January 2024
Your official monthly newsletter for the Pendle villages of Barley, Newchurch, Roughlee, Sabden Fold & Spenbrook.
Sign up for the monthly email below:
January 2024
Your official monthly newsletter for the Pendle villages of Barley, Newchurch, Roughlee, Sabden Fold & Spenbrook.
Sign up for the monthly email below:
Suddenly 2023 is at an end and even though we know about this, it still takes some of us a bit by surprise having to write 2024. It has been such a year – recovering from the impact of Covid, major international wars, economic problems, weather which has gone from one extreme to another, and many more changes in our lives.
At St. Mary’s we now have a church with a toilet, kitchen, and meeting area, and it has made life so much easier. It has given us more opportunities to talk and plan, and share food and ideas. Julie has left us to go back …
[ READ MORE → ]The wonder of Christmas came to Barley in 2023. On 10th December a lovely traditional Christmas Fayre in the Village Hall kick started an awesome event with carols around the tree, Christmas lights switch on, Barrowford Community Choir and Ava Hunt filling the air with beautiful singing, a magical sleigh brought Father Christmas with his helpful elf to a spectacularly decorated grotto (a.k.a. the bus shelter!) and lots of delicious Christmassy food and drink. The Christmas lights competition, judged by MP Andrew Stephenson, was won by the Cosway-Kirk family from the Bullion – never has a bin store shone so brightly! The day was rounded …
[ READ MORE → ]I trust you have all had a wonderful and peaceful Christmas with your loved ones and friends as we step into the new year…
What a fabulous year 2023 has been as the Parish welcomed new residents, celebrated the King’s Coronation & summer event, welcomed Radio Lancashire to Newchurch park, and hosted the first annual pumpkin carving competition!
This is all on top of the usual shenanigans of bonfire night, gardening days, Christmas carols, lights switch on and Santa Comes to Newchurch. I’m sure you’ll agree the Events Committee have done a fantastic job and have raised even more money for Pendleside Hospice and Open Door (Colne).
The …
[ READ MORE → ]I am guessing that whilst reading this months edition, that you will be either feeling sorry for yourself due to over-indulgence in the last few days, glad it’s all over or not looking forwards to returning to work in the the near future. Whichever one it is I would like to wish a Happy New Year and all the best for 2024.
During December we hosted our annual Seniors’ Christmas lunch which I believe from the comments received was a success. My thanks must go out to the extended team who make this event the success that it is. Now for a confession, I was …
[ READ MORE → ]For full details, or to comment, please enter the reference number, keyword, postcode or address on the Pendle Borough Council Planning system
Barley with Wheatley Booth parish
Goldshaw Booth parish
Roughlee Booth parish
Thank you to everyone who supported the Christmas shoebox collection for the local womens’ refuge, we had 38 shoe boxes donated and a cash donation. We are so very proud of our Rotakids for organising this and thinking of those less fortunate than themselves.
The children had an amazing time making Christingles in school followed by a service in Church with Father Paul. Also thank you to the parents that arranged the Christmas Crafting session in school this was a great success and the children got to take home a variety of homemade Christmas decorations.
Our fabulous infant children thoroughly enjoyed performing in the Wriggly Nativity! …
[ READ MORE → ]The winners of the Friends Of Newchurch 100 Club Draw for December are:
Congratulations to our winners and thank you to everyone for taking part!
If you have any neighbours or friends that have just moved to the area, or who might not be aware of this newsletter, please can you mention Parish News to them. We’re now on 720 email subscribers across Barley, Newchurch and Roughlee so are definitely reaching the majority of households, but it’s an ongoing job to let people know when there’s no longer a physical copy being delivered and not everyone will see the adverts on noticeboards. Thanks for your help!
Print a note to post through their letterbox here →
They can enter their email address to receive an email on the first of each month online at www.parishnews.org – their data is managed/protected by Roughlee Parish Council on behalf of the other parish councils.
Originally designated in 1964, the Forest of Bowland celebrates 60 years in 2024 and starts the New Year with a new name – Forest of Bowland National Landscape. To mark the anniversary of this very special area, Clitheroe Castle Museum will host the launch of a brand-new photography exhibition in February.
Entries for the exhibition have been chosen from images submitted to the National Landscape Partnership’s recent Diamonds in the Landscape competition.
From far-reaching moorland vistas and stunning wildlife shots to majestic woodlands and atmospheric pastoral scenes, the talented photographers have perfectly captured the variety and beauty of the Bowland landscape.
The exhibition will run from 9th February until the 28th April, before going on to tour selected venues across Bowland during 2024.
February will also see the return of the annual Bowland Dark Skies Festival from 10th to 17th. Stargazing, photography tips, family crafts – even a dark-skies inspired food tour – are all on the menu this year. And don’t worry if you miss the main event: there’ll be more opportunities to explore Bowland’s starscapes in autumn as part of the wider Festival Bowland 2024 programme.
For more details about the exhibition and Bowland Dark Skies Festival go to www.forestofbowland.com
Our Parish Church exists to be the people of God, through faith in Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, worshipping Him, making disciples and serving others.
Services will take place on the following dates:
Contact Fr Paul Payton for more details on 07866 696 891 or email frpaulp@yahoo.com.