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Barley Parish Council

Annual Parish Meeting, Playground, Dates for your Diary, Best Kept Village, WI Pre-loved Sale, New Bench...

Hotly anticipated each year, some say more than Eurovision, it’s the Annual Parish Meeting on Tuesday 14th May in Barley Village Hall starting at 7.30pm. All residents of Barley with Wheatley Booth Parish are very warmly invited to attend. Local groups and the Parish Council will talk about what they’ve been up to during the last year as well as discussing plans for the year ahead. Parish Council Clerk Caroline tells me she has polished off her stop watch to make sure it lasts about one hour before serving FREE fine wine and high class hors d’oeuvres (aka booze and snacks). We aim for it to be an enjoyable village social so please come along.

Also hotly anticipated, the playground refurbishment should start mid-May. Once we know the exact closure dates for work, they will be posted on the Parish Council notice board, Chapel notice board, Barley residents’ Facebook page and notices at the playground itself. Kompan have sent us the playground 3D design which is included in this newsletter. The Parish Councillors feel very excited to be nearing the time when children will have new equipment to explore, play on and make many happy memories with.

Some dates for your diaries from the Parish Council and Barley Events Committee:

  • 6th May – resident parking is scheduled to start – eligible residents should have had a letter through their door on how to apply for a permit – if in any doubt please contact Lancashire County Council;
  • 14th May – Annual Parish Meeting in Barley Village Hall 7.30 pm start;
  • May to June – Lancashire Best Kept Village Competition (VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – see below);
  • 15th June – Chapel activity day and King’s Coronation plaque unveiling on the village green;
  • 7th September – Barley Village Fete (afternoon) with quiz & curry at the village hall (evening);
  • 15th December – Barley Christmas Fayre followed by Barley to Bethlehem.

Parish Councillors have started to lead the bid to return to the glory days of 2021 when Barley last won the Lancashire Best Kept Village Competition: Hamlet Class! Please contact Cllr Derek Heap, Cllr Dan Goldsborough or Cllr John Connor if you can volunteer time during May to help with jet washing, painting or anything else to give Barley the edge before judging takes place in June.

Back to last month and congratulations to the wonderful Barley Women’s Institute (WI), who raised a magnificent £650 (and still rising) through their successful pre-loved sale on 21st April. The money raised is for the Burnley based Friends of Serenity charity that was set up by Joanne Edwards in 2013 after she sadly lost her son Luke as a result of Trisomy 13. Many other local charities benefitted from receiving items that were not sold on the day including a women and children’s refuge and Church on the Street. Sue Statham from WI asked me to ‘thank all the helpers, if it wasn’t for them we couldn’t do it’.

Observant residents – I’ve been told there are some – will have noticed a brand new shiny bench opposite the Chapel for weary folk to rest on. This has been sponsored by the Chadwick family in memoriam of their parents who used to come and enjoy Barley. A fitting tribute in our beautiful village.

Members of the Council and of the wider community have been saddened to hear of the passing of Chris Chambers. He was well known to all on Barley Green and to many within the village as he always stopped to chat to people. Our condolences are with Angela and the family.

Last but by no means least is a welcome to the newest residents of Barley. Congratulations to Ellie and Josh who welcomed baby Chase in January. Also to their neighbours Zoie, Rob and Lorelai who were joined by baby Allburn in April.

I’ll close now by wishing everyone in the Parish all the best for May and, fingers crossed, moving from a rainy spring to a sunny summer!

[ ← VIEW ALL (May 2024) ]