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Forest of Bowland: Springtime Events

Dates for your diary in May...

The Forest of Bowland National Landscape is BURSTING with springtime events. Full details of all the events below, including how to book, are available on the Forest of Bowland National Landscape website.

  • Bumblebee ID: Friday 3rd May, 12 noon- 1pm (Online) – free
    Grab some lunch, make yourself comfortable, and join us for this Hay Time online session to learn all about Bowland’s seven most common bumblebee species
  • Diamonds in the Landscape Photography Exhibition: 4th May to 30th June (The Folly, Settle) – free entry
    2024 marks 60 years since the designation of the Forest of Bowland as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. To mark the anniversary of this very special area – and our change of name to National Landscape! – we have curated a brand new photography exhibition, which opens at The Folly in Settle on the 4th May.
  • Dawn Chorus & Croissants: Sunday 5th May, 5am – 8am (Gisburn Forest) – £5 (including refreshments)
    Celebrate International Dawn Chorus Day with us! Soak up the joyful sounds of a waking woodland on this spring walk in Gisburn Forest, then join us for coffee and pastries back at the Hub.
  • RSPB Moorland Safari: Monday 6th and Saturday 25th May, 9.30am – 2pm (Slaidburn) – £10 (RSPB members £8) + booking fee
    Join the RSPB for a walk along one of the Forest of Bowland’s most stunning valleys. Take this opportunity to learn more about the international importance of the area and its rare upland habitats and discover some of the incredible wildlife that makes their home here in the spring and summer.
  • Twiston Quaker Walk: Saturday 11th May, 10.15am – 3pm (Downham) – £6.50 (Cost will be donated to the Marie Curie charity)
    A walk exploring the history of Pendle Hill Quakers, including a visit to the Twiston farm where early Quakers met and the Sepulchre Burial Ground.
  • Charcoal Making & Sketching: Saturday 18th May, 10am – 12.30pm (Gisburn Forest) – £5
    Join artist, Keith Parkinson, and Outdoors 4 All Together for a morning of outdoor creativity. Have fun round the fire pit learning how to make your very own charcoal, then enjoy a relaxed, tutored sketching session, before taking your newly made drawing materials away to use at home.

Please note that Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult to all these events.

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