[ ← VIEW ALL (May 2024) ]

Roughlee CE Primary School

Skateboarding & Scooting, Garden, Book Exchange, Events...

  • Skateboarding and Scooting
    We recently welcomed the fantastic Team Rubicon into school to teach our children how to skateboard and scoot safely. Oliver from Team Rubicon said that the children listened really well and did a fantastic job. We hope that the children will have lots of fun skateboarding and scooting in the future.
  • Garden Appeal
    We would like to say a big thank you to all the parents, children and staff who have helped to do a fantastic job getting our school garden ready for Spring/Summer. I’m sure you will all agree, it is looking fabulous. We are always looking for volunteers to help with our garden so if you can spare any time at all, you would be most welcome to pick up a trowel and get stuck in, we’ll even offer you refreshments!
  • Book Exchange
    We would like to take this opportunity to remind the local residents that outside school we have our popular Book Exchange. There are a variety of reading books in the exchange that you are all welcome to come and take and swap.

Upcoming Events
Summer Term is always busy and full of fun activities and events; please see a few of our upcoming events:

  • SATs Week – 13th May 2024
  • Mad Hair Day – 24th May 2024
  • Sponsored Walk – 7th June 2024
  • Whole School Trip to Whitehough – 14th June 2024
  • Sports Day – 21st June 2024
  • Summer Fair – 28th June 2024 from 2.15pm (everyone is welcome to attend)
  • End of Year Disco – 18th July 2024

[ ← VIEW ALL (May 2024) ]