Roughlee Parish Council
Defibrillator training, Best Kept Village, FORA, Stang Top Road...
In the middle of April we held a very successful Defibrillator (AED) and basic CPR training course at the village centre run by the North West Ambulance Trust NWAS. This was the second time we held such an event and was very well attended by villagers and those from our surrounding communities. This session gave us invaluable skills which we hope that we will never have to use in ‘anger’. Thanks to Meg Davey for organising this. Just a reminder that we have two defibrillators located in the village, one at the Bay Horse and one at the school.
We have once again entered the Best Kept Village competition (BKV) to try to improve on our runners up place of last year. In order to make our village look as special as it does we have a large coordinated band of volunteers called FORA (Friends of Roughlee’s Appearance). As the village covers a long linear area we restrict our entry into the competition to specific boundaries. However, the team operates in all areas of the village. They are always looking for extra pairs of hands, so if you are interested in joining them please give me a shout and I will connect you. Having said all of this I know that a lot of our residents do their bit, by keeping the areas close to their homes neat and tidy. Everyone can do their bit to help, whether it is by clearing weeds from kerbside, walls and hedges near your properties or dare I say it picking up the litter (I know that it shouldn’t need to be done) that keeps mysteriously appearing in all areas of the village. Honestly, “many hands actually do make light work”.
At the end of March we enlisted the help of PBC in chasing Lancashire County Council on the state of the drains and gullies on Stang Top Road, we have made progress in getting LCC to admit that remedial work is required. Unfortunately, they have deemed it very low priority and will get around to it when they can, which presumably means never. Rest assured we will continue to be a thorn in their side on this. Our next challenge is Blacko Bar Road where we will repeat the exercise with PBC and see how far we get with this one.
Next meeting Monday 13th May.