August 2024

Your official monthly newsletter for the Pendle villages of Barley, Newchurch, Roughlee, Sabden Fold & Spenbrook.

Sign up for the monthly email below:

St Mary’s Newchurch

It’s a period of change at St Mary’s...

There’s been a significant amount of change taking place over recent months. With our welcoming of Fr Paul to lead and support whilst we await our new Vicar, the opening of our fantastic brand-new narthex facility and the successful reintroduction of combined benefice meetings and initiatives just to name a few.

And, as our appointed representatives prepare to take part in the interview process for the selection of our new future vicar, it’s clear further change lies ahead.

For some this change creates excitement, for others maybe a little apprehension, however what’s clear is its inevitability.

As we move forward it’s increasingly important that we embrace any change …


Introducing our New MP

Jonathan Hinder, MP for Pendle & Clitheroe

I am delighted to introduce myself as the newly elected MP for Pendle & Clitheroe.

You may be aware from the campaign that I grew up just around the other side of Pendle Hill, in the village of Downham, and I now live in Clitheroe. Having attended Clitheroe Grammar School, I then studied History and Politics at Oxford prior to joining the police service. I served as a police constable, sergeant and inspector in London, mostly in emergency response roles, before leaving after nine years to pursue politics.

I know that my predecessor, Andrew Stephenson, was a hard-working, popular MP, and I paid tribute to him in …


Barley Parish Council

Playground Opening, BKV, Barley New Road, Pub Walk...

Since September 2022 the PC has been designing, consulting, tendering, negotiating, and managing the installation of the new playground and it all came to fruition on a sunny Friday 19th July, the opening ceremony. We had over 30+ children, plus parents and dignitaries including our new MP and three borough councillors, there for the cutting of the ribbon. When people have put so much into this it was great to see so many people there to support the Council, so many excited and enthusiastic children desperate to get on there and a enjoy a “feel good” moment in our village.

It has taken a while for …


Goldshaw Booth Parish Council

Summer BBQ, Ash Die Back, Planters, Footpaths, Vacancies...

The project to remove the trees affected by Ash die back has now completed, and from a grant received from Barrowford and Western Parishes we have been able to purchase a number of new fruit trees, which we will arrange the planting of during autumn.

We’ve also been able to purchase some new planters, from grant money received, which will be sited in Spenbrook. For anyone wanting to see what they will look like, we have ordered ones which match those used at the bottom of Jinny Lane in Roughlee.

It will soon be time for the Summer BBQ, which is scheduled for Saturday 10th August 2024 …


Roughlee Parish Council

Parish Gathering, Climate Action, Best Kept Village...

Our annual Parish Gathering at the beginning of July was well attended by approximately 50 residents and proved to be a success. In addition to reporting on our normal progress and activities we had the pleasure of listening to Beccy Murrell and Ruth White from Newchurch giving us an update on the ‘Climate Change Action Day’ that was held in May. The topics and discussions that this generated threw up three additional potential projects across out extended parishes which may come to fruition.

Carmel Hustler from the Lancashire Archives’ KELP Project provide a rolling slide show of some old and not so old photographs of our …


Planning Applications

Applications validated in July 2024

For full details, or to comment, please enter the reference number, keyword, postcode or address on the Pendle Borough Council Planning system


Barley with Wheatley Booth parish

  • Ref. No: 24/0493/HHO – Far Banks Farm Cross Lane Barley Lancashire BB12 9JS – Full: Stone cladding to first floor Western elevation; timber cladding to single-storey extension; erection of a single-storey outdoor store for plant; flat roof of single-storey extension to be used as external terrace with balustrade; walkway to access upper garden level; un-obscuring roof-lights and various windows; incorporating an integrated solar roof to the South; removing existing chimney; and the relocation of an existing garden pod.
  • Ref. No: 24/0449/FUL – Ogden Hill Farm Barley Lane Barley Lancashire BB9 6LQ – Full: Installation of solar panels to existing roof structures.
  • Ref. No: 24/0442/HHO – Ings End Farm Barley Lane Barley Lancashire BB9 6LJ – Full: Demolition of existing conservatory and porch and the erection of a new conservatory on the East elevation and porch on the North elevation and the replacement of 8 multi paned windows.

Goldshaw Booth parish

  • Ref. No: 24/0415/TCA – 12 Osborne Terrace Newchurch In Pendle Lancashire BB12 9JJ – Reduction of tree by 25% in a conservation area. [Decided – No Objection]

Roughlee Booth parish

  • Ref. No: 24/0466/HHO – Bank End Farm Blacko Bar Road Roughlee Lancashire BB9 6NJ – Full: Demolition of existing outbuilding and the erection of a new outbuilding with side and rear extension.
  • Ref. No: 24/0445/HHO – Dole House Noggarth Road Roughlee Lancashire BB12 9PX – Full: Erection of a single storey detached garage building with workshop/store adjacent to existing dwelling.
  • Ref. No: 24/0425/HHO – Beechwood Crowtrees Roughlee Lancashire BB9 6NU – Full: Installation of an Air Source Heat Pump to the rear.
  • Ref. No: 24/0332/FUL – Old Hall Farm Blacko Bar Road Roughlee Lancashire BB9 6NL – Full: Extension to an existing agricultural building.

Barley Chapel’s Future

Save the Date: Public Meeting - Wed 28 Aug, 7pm

As many of you will be aware, Barley Chapel has been struggling over the past few years since Covid, both in terms of numbers attending and with the finances. Unfortunately we have discovered dry rot in the roof of the school room. The cost of repairs is beyond what we can afford which means we are in crisis and facing closure. We have therefore decided to call a public meeting on Wednesday 28th August at 7pm in the Chapel to discuss the future with all those who are interested in helping us retain a Chapel in the village.

We want your ideas and thoughts on how …


Newchurch St. Mary’s CE Primary Academy

Another amazing year...

Wow, we have enjoyed such a busy half term!!

We have had the pleasure of Paul the farmer, Molly from Nelson Library and Cathy from Padiham Rotary visiting school. As well as sharing their expertise with us, they make our learning so much more fun! Thank you.

Friends of Newchurch have continued to be busy raising funds for school by organising another Cream Tea/Summer Fair event. Once again this proved to be very successful raising £600, which has been put towards a new fence around our EYFS outside area. Thank you ladies for making this happen.

At the beginning of July we welcomed our new EYFS children. We …


From the archives

Keeping East Lancashire in the Picture

‘KEEPING EAST LANCASHIRE in the Picture’ is a new two-year Lancashire Archives and Local History project that will make the wonderful collections of historic photographs in East Lancashire Libraries more accessible.

▼ This photograph is kept in the historic photographic collection in Nelson library and has no details listed with it and was unknown. Meg Davey at the Roughlee Parish Gathering on 1st July 2024 kindly identified the location as Dene Cottage at the bottom of Stang Top Road. These are back-to-back cottages and this one is the top cottage facing the Old Hall. Does anyone know any more details or the date or can identify these people?

ENE-N13-D42-3 – Roughlee

Have you got a new neighbour?

Please mention Parish News to them!

If you have any neighbours or friends that have just moved to the area, or who might not be aware of this newsletter, please can you mention Parish News to them. We’re now on 800+ email subscribers across Barley, Goldshaw Booth and Roughlee so are definitely reaching the majority of households, but it’s an ongoing job to let people know when there’s no longer a physical copy being delivered and not everyone will see the adverts on noticeboards. Thanks for your help!

Print a note to post through their letterbox here →

They can enter their email address to receive an email on the first of each month online at – their data is managed/protected by Roughlee Parish Council on behalf of the other parish councils.

Forest of Bowland Summer Events

Step Outside this Summer and Discover the Beauty of Bowland

Whether you take a journey through time, get close-up to nature with your smartphone, or venture out for a guided nocturnal walk, the Festival Bowland events programme is a great way to discover the Forest of Bowland and surrounding countryside.

Wyre Coast & Countryside Service will be running their regular walks from Garstang over the summer months. Taking place most Mondays (apart from Bank Holidays) from 11am, these relaxing walks last just an hour and are a great way to take in some fresh air and enjoy the views. No need to book ahead but do check with the organisers to find out more and keep …


Friends of Newchurch School

100 Club draw

The FONS 100 Club draw took place for July. The winners are:

  • 1st prize £25, no. 79 – Laura Lane
  • 2nd prize £20 no. 3 – Laura Standring
  • 3rd prize £15 no. 81 – Natalie Lowcock

Thank you to everyone who participates in the draw.

Announcing the Parish News Archives

Revisit local stories right back to 2004

Parish News has been the official local newsletter for the Pendle villages of Barley, Goldshaw Booth and Roughlee for over 20 years.

We’re very pleased to be able to announce the release of the full archives of Parish News online, dating right back to 2004. It’s a treasure chest of local stories and interesting nuggets: the time the centre of Newchurch was covered in cement from a leaky wagon; the quick drink Ann Widdecombe enjoyed at the Bay Horse Inn; or the proposal for the creation of the super-parish Barchurchlee – dive in and enjoy some fond local memories!

You can view the …


Events in Barley: August 2024

Dates for your diary...

  • Pendle Forest History Group – Wed 21st August, 7.30pm at Barley Village Hall – Business meeting with items of interest. Members £2.00, Visitors £3.00 – Email →
  • Pendle Patchers – Tues 13th & 27th August, from 1pm at Barley Village Hall – Pendle Patchers have once again been caught on camera enjoying an afternoon tea from the Cabin rather than labouring over their crafts. The food was delicious and probably stimulated the creativity of the group. We don’t have afternoon teas at every meeting but will be happy to offer you a brew and biscuits. Contact Gil Beeke if you want any more information on 01282 602449 / Email →
  • Table Tennis Club – every Wed, 7-9pm at Barley Chapel, £3 – Great way to keep fit, everyone welcome
  • FOG Club – Thurs evenings, 6.30pm-7.45pm at Barley Chapel – For children aged 6-11 years. Contact Angie on 07967 121031 or just come along
  • Barley WI – 1st Wed of the month, 7.30pm at Barley Village Hall – New members are always welcome, first three meetings are free so you can make sure you like it! The WI isn’t just a monthly meeting – we have sub groups which include Walking, Crafting, Dining Club (The Sticky Toffee Pudding Club!) along with two book clubs.
  • Card making class – 1st and 3rd Mon of each month, 1-3pm at Barley Village Hall – for details contact Valerie on 01282 691850
  • Coffee and Chat – 2nd Wed of each month, 10am-12pm at Barley Village Hall – All welcome, not just the old folk – £2 gets coffee (or tea) and cake!

St. Mary's Church

August 2024 Services

Everyone is welcome to join us for worship. There are activity bags for children.

All services are Holy Communion at 9.30am unless indicated otherwise:

  • Sunday 4th August – 10th after Trinity
  • Sunday 11th August – 11th after Trinity
  • Sunday 18th August (Lammas Sunday) – 12th after Trinity
  • Sunday 25th August – 13th after Trinity

Contact Fr Paul Payton for more details on 07866 696 891 or email

Please note the Choral Evensong for 8th September has had to be cancelled because of the service at Blackburn Cathedral for the new Bishop of Burnley.