February 2025
Your official monthly newsletter for the Pendle villages of Barley, Newchurch, Roughlee, Sabden Fold & Spenbrook.
Sign up for the monthly email below:
February 2025
Your official monthly newsletter for the Pendle villages of Barley, Newchurch, Roughlee, Sabden Fold & Spenbrook.
Sign up for the monthly email below:
Don’t miss your final chance to complete the inter-village Climate Change Action Survey before submissions close on 14 Feb. This survey has been designed to increase the Parish Councils’ understanding about the views of residents on climate change and to explore which carbon reduction initiatives residents are supportive of. The results will be available for all residents to view and will be discussed by the three Parish Councils in order to shape future environmental actions and priorities.
We’ve had a great response so far with over 50 responses, but are keen to hear from as many locals as possible.
In May 2024 residents from the …
[ READ MORE → ]The diverse group of “The Occasional Carol Singers” – family, friends, people met at parties, and anyone who wants to sing – performs annually for nearly 40 years, starting off with two families of adults and children but now numbering 35 or so. The group rehearses traditional carols on Sunday evenings in late November, then performs in pubs, clubs, stores, restaurants and town centres to raise money for the Benefice churches and a local charity, chosen annually by the group. It has raised at least £25,000 over the years, probably a lot more.
It has always been such fun! People join in as they walk …
[ READ MORE → ]At the time of writing, the 8” of snow that fell in the middle of the month has disappeared after hanging around for a perishingly cold week when the roads and footways were somewhat treacherous. I thought LCC did a good job of clearing the roads fairly promptly and we were not trapped in the valley bottom for long. The snow and sunshine have made for some great pictures but I hope everyone managed to keep on the road and on their feet. I am not a big fan of social media but looking at the information shared about road conditions on the Residents Facebook …
[ READ MORE → ]At last month’s Council Meeting, we were very fortunate to have Dr Carmel Hustler from Lancashire Archives visit to explain what the Keeping East Lancashire in Pictures (KELP) project is. Unfortunately, there was only 1 member of the community there to hear her.
In essence, the project is aimed at ensuring there are digitised photographic records both from the past and the present so that we and future generations can see what the area looks like and how it has changed over time, as the collection will be available free to all on-line.
To date, there are very few pictures of the area which have been …
[ READ MORE → ]At our January meeting we discussed whether we should increase our precept for the up and coming financial year starting in April, having reviewed our financial position and set our budget for next year we agreed to request an increase from Pendle Borough Council for 2.5% (roughly in line with inflation at that time), this equates to an approximate increase of £1.30 per annum to each household within the Parish.
A new bench dedicated to James Starkie has arrived in the village, thanks go to Janet and her family for sourcing and providing the bench and the extended team that prepared the base and completed the …
[ READ MORE → ]We are having a quiet time at the Village centre in February as we don’t want to clash with the anticipated relaunch of the Bay Horse. 0ur calendar is very busy as usual in 2025 and it would be nice if we get some extra volunteers on our big events. If any of you are able or willing to help out at the Beer, Music, Gin festival or Derian House Children’s Fundraiser for a few hours or longer, the purpose of which is to raise funds for Derian House Children’s Hospice and your village centre, please contact glen 07849 774438 for details.
Events in 2025:
It’s been a busy month at the Village Hall since the new year started, we’ve almost finished the new lighting project which is a great milestone for us all. We’ve gone through each room and updated them with lower cost LED bulbs which will help reduce our energy output, but also give a better, warmer feel to each room. We’ve also added some more outside lights as the main entrance can be pretty dark at nights. In late December we also finished some work in the upstairs main room to fix a damp issue, the work was carried out on time and over Christmas and …
[ READ MORE → ]As part of the national arts programme, Nature Calling, the Forest of Bowland National Landscape are delighted to present new work by OneDa, a Manchester-based rapper and BBC 6 Music favourite. OneDa’s music blends hip-hop, drum and bass, afro-trap and afrobeats.
OneDa is working with artist Rob St John, who is running a series of ‘creative conversations’ around Bowland with a focus on land and our access to it. Entitled ‘Are You Lost’, Rob’s work will reflect a number of encounters and conversations he has had with communities of all kinds, with a special emphasis on young people from Pendle & Burnley.
The next conversation, linked to …
[ READ MORE → ]Lancashire talking is our way of the public to get in touch with their Neighbourhood Policing Team in Pendle also for ourselves to send messages that are appropriate to the parish areas.
Enjoy a week of exciting events celebrating the beauty of the winter night skies above Bowland.
Organisers will be hoping for fine weather this coming half-term as the Forest of Bowland’s seventh Dark Skies Festival approaches.
Starting on Monday 17th February and running through until Saturday 22nd, this year’s festival highlights the fantastic starscapes above Bowland, takes a look at some of the area’s nocturnal inhabitants, discovers the international career of a local astronomer and has a wild, family-friendly visit to the woods.
Event Highlights:
Due to the weather we had a very disrupted start to 2025, but we are happy to report that school life has settled into its familiar happy rhythms.
We would like to welcome our new EYFS/KS1 class teacher Mrs Bell who has joined the St Mary’s team in January and has settled into school life amazingly.
During this Half Term we have some exciting after school clubs for the children to participate in, including Archery and Tag Rugby and we are looking forward to recommencing Gardening Club after February half term.
[ READ MORE → ]‘KEEPING EAST LANCASHIRE in the Picture’ is a two-year Lancashire Archives and Local History project that will make the wonderful collections of historic photographs in East Lancashire Libraries more accessible.
▼ ENE20150619010 – Newchurch in Pendle – The building up the road, beyond the horses was the Lamb Inn, but is now a private house. On the right is the Friendly House, formerly the Friendly Inn. (unknown date)
If you have any neighbours or friends that have just moved to the area, or who might not be aware of this newsletter, please can you mention Parish News to them. We’re now on 800+ email subscribers across Barley, Goldshaw Booth and Roughlee so are definitely reaching the majority of households, but it’s an ongoing job to let people know when there’s no longer a physical copy being delivered and not everyone will see the adverts on noticeboards. Thanks for your help!
Print a note to post through their letterbox here →
They can enter their email address to receive an email on the first of each month online at www.parishnews.org – their data is managed/protected by Roughlee Parish Council on behalf of the other parish councils.
Any help in selling the sheets will be much appreciated.
Answers will be available on March 1st.
If you can help at all please contact Chris or Valerie on 01282 691850 or by email.
As we all settle into 2025 we are looking forward to welcoming you to our services. Our church is warm and friendly. We always end our service with coffee and cake. We have activity bags for children and a space for them to play.
Hope you can join us soon.
For more information please contact our Vicar Nick Murray on 01282 613 206 or email.
Or contact our church wardens: Doug Bull (07907 458894 / email) or Gin Crewe on 07887 844025 / email).