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Barley Parish Council

Remembrance, Playground, Parking, Fell Race...

The Barley Remembrance Service will commence at 1055Hrs on Sunday 12 November at the memorial stone on the Turning Area. The service is well attended and so it should be, all are welcome and refreshments will be served in the Chapel afterwards. The Council will be flying the Armed Forces Flag prior to the event and after the event flags will be taken down and stored until the spring.

After the Remembrance Service the Events Committee are hoping to plant an oak tree on the Village Green embankment to commemorate the Kings Coronation and the village celebrations held in May this year.

In the last edition, I explained that Kompan Ltd had been chosen as our preferred bidder for the playground improvement project and that space limitations were having a major impact on the design. When the existing playground was put together much of the current rules and regulations, which inhibit us now, did not exist. Closer inspection of our fence lines has revealed what a poor condition they are in and so we are now considering new fences with slightly amended alignment to increase the space available. This will mean the loss of some of the landscaped area between the path and the roadside wall which will be compensated for with new planting at the narrow end of the car park.

The Council were hoping that the resident parking scheme would be in operation this month but that is not the case. Road safety schemes are prioritised above amenity schemes, such as our permit parking scheme, so we will need to be patient a while longer. The Parish Council has now acquired a second tablet for issuing parking charges on the Turning Area, this will mean the PC are not just relying on one tablet and one person to issue parking charges, there will now be better coverage when people are away, waiting for the tablet to charge etc.

Finally, please be aware that there is a major fell race being held on 18 November in Barley and so you can expect a lot of runners to be around from 1000Hrs. The route will go up the Ogden Reservoir access road.

[ ← VIEW ALL (November 2023) ]