[ ← VIEW ALL (November 2023) ]

Goldshaw Booth Parish Council

Bonfire (4th Nov), Councillor vacancies, Dates for your Diary...

  • Laura Nutter
    Many thanks to Laura Nutter for her invaluable drive and continued contribution to the Events Committee. The committee organises the various events held throughout the year which, as well as being masses of fun, raise funds for various charities. Due to Laura’s commitments to this and her role as Chair of the Friends of Newchurch, Laura has sadly resigned her position as Parish Councillor. However, we look forward to the many more community events to come and the awesome cake! Thank you Laura.
  • Pretty Cool Pumpkins
    This Halloween saw the Parish’s first annual pumpkin carving competition with a display in Newchurch centre (sponsored by Anthony Dawson Associates – Estate Agents). The Halloween decorations around the village have been tremendous, with special awesomeness at the hands of Liz, Chloe and Steve. Very well done all!
  • Parish Council Meetings – Change of Venue
    We are pleased to announce that, starting from November, the Parish Council meetings will once more be held within the Parish at St. Mary’s Church, Newchurch (please see below for meeting dates and times). All are welcome.
  • Parish Council Positions
    There are 2 Parish Councillor positions now available. Please email the Clerk (below) for more information.
  • Dates for your Diary:

    4th November – Bonfire Night!
    The Newchurch Village bonfire will take place on Saturday 4th November from 6pm. Enjoy hot food, drinks, cakes and treats. Bring your own booze!

    9th November – Friends of Newchurch School Fashion Show
    Annual fundraiser for St. Mary’s School at the Pendle Inn at Barley (see the Friends’ entry below for more details).

    9th December – Santa Comes to Goldshaw Booth…
    Enjoy mulled wine and hot food with Santa as we turn on the Christmas lights and sing carols in Newchurch village square. Tombola, raffle and treats for the kids!

  • Upcoming Parish Council Meeting: Thursday 2nd November, 7.15pm, St. Mary’s Church, Newchurch. NB: There is no meeting in December.
  • Copies of Meeting Agendas & Minutes from Previous Meetings (etc.) at www.goldshawbooth.org.uk
  • Goldshaw Booth Parish Council Facebook page

[ ← VIEW ALL (November 2023) ]