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From St Mary’s

Moving Forward

By the time you read this we will have travelled the path to Easter, surrounded by the optimism of the Risen Christ and the brightness and colour of increasingly longer, warmer days. I hope you saw the beautiful daffodils in bloom round the churchyard, planted by children from St Mary’s Academy?

Preparing for the appointment of the next vicar, the Parochial Parish Council (PCC) is drawing up a snapshot profile of the parish for applicants. It is really encouraging to look at all the work going on and record the achievements, whilst acknowledging there is still much to do.

This year at St. Mary’s we are celebrating God’s goodness and blessing of the earth highlighted by two events: our free Climate Change Action Day on Saturday 4th May at St Thomas’ Church (see below), and a week of activities entitled “Cherish your Churchyard” at St Mary’s Church on 10th-16th June. If you have relatives or friends buried in the churchyard at St Mary’s, maybe this is the time to come and find the grave and perhaps tidy it in memory of them? You could even adopt a grave to keep tidy?

Did you know that St. Mary’s churchyard has its own gardening club? We meet on alternate Thursdays at 4-6pm in the churchyard, restarting after the winter break on Thursday 11th April. New members are always welcome!

This is also the time of year when we hold our Annual Parochial Church Meeting, at which a report about what the church has accomplished in 2023 will be presented. The meeting is open to everyone on the church electoral roll and this could be you if you have been baptised and attend the church. It’s free! Just fill in the form from church or from Gin Crewe (email) and return it to Gin or Joanna, PCC secretaries. You can join the electoral roll at any time.

Whilst on the subject of volunteering, the elections for PCC members and church wardens will be held at the annual meeting on 21st. April. St. Mary’s needs 6 members. There are about 8 evening meetings during the year, and, again, it is free and often fun! Your writer certainly learnt a lot about the running of the church by being a member. Fresh ideas and enthusiasm would be very welcome. If you are on the electoral roll, why not give it a go? Again, application forms are available from the back of the church or by email. You need to apply before the meeting on Sunday 21st April. Return completed forms to Gin or Joanna.

[ ← VIEW ALL (April 2024) ]