Roughlee Parish Council
Parish Gathering *TONIGHT 7pm, RVC*, BKV, Sink hole, Grants...
The more avid and astute readers of this item will realise that today (1st July), we are holding our annual Parish Gathering. To those who are not, well you missed it. 7pm Monday 1st July in the village centre. Come and have a glass of wine and some nibbles on us.
The FORA team and many others have been working especially hard to get and keep the village shipshape and pristine for the best kept village competition judging, that is, or has been, taking place. So fingers crossed that we are progressing. However, on a sour(ish) note we seem to be currently inundated with lots of dog “poo” in the village which is causing the team angst as they keep having to pick it. We have always associated this problem with visitors to the village, but we might have been naïve with this thought as some of the problems may lie closer to home !!!!
We have made some small inroads with the sink hole come river bank collapse on Blacko bar road going towards Blacko from the Queen’s Canopy, in that we have enlisted the help of PBC, who have inspected it for us and are now putting additional pressure on LCC and the environment agency to try to stabilise this and get it fixed. So once again, watch this space.
We were successful in getting the capital grants that we requested from PBC, replacement (recycled) benches for the village and a new back door / kitchen door for the village centre. The available funding pot from PBC was quite small this year, so thanks to them for reviewing and accepting our bids it is much appreciated.
The PC meeting that we held at the beginning of June got me perplexed and quite frustrated, in that we seem to be frequently asked to be the reporting body for problems within the village that could quite easily be raised with the relevant bodies / agencies by the individuals that discovered the problem. I’m not saying that we won’t or shouldn’t report it (far from it), but I believe that we all as individuals have a responsibility to report what we see is wrong. We as as the PC can then escalate and help to try to add more weight.
Finally, a massive thank you to the band of volunteers who worked extremely hard and long hours to make June’s beer and gin festival the success that it was.