May 2023
Your official monthly newsletter for the Pendle villages of Barley, Newchurch, Roughlee, Sabden Fold & Spenbrook.
Sign up for the monthly email below:
May 2023
Your official monthly newsletter for the Pendle villages of Barley, Newchurch, Roughlee, Sabden Fold & Spenbrook.
Sign up for the monthly email below:
At his Coronation King Charles III will be presented with a Bible – which is hand-bound in red leather and decorated in gold leaf. He will place his hand on it when he takes his coronation oath. A Bible has been presented to the monarch this way since the joint coronation of William III and Mary II in 1689.
Archbishop Justin Welby commissioned Oxford University Press (OUP) to produce the work of Christian scriptures which was hand-bound and decorated by London bookbinders Shepherds, Sangorski & Sutcliffe.
The Archbishop said: “The Bible which will be presented to His Majesty the King is a reminder that Scripture is not …
[ READ MORE → ]Barley Events Committee are planning their first couple of events on Sunday 7th May and what a day it promises to be! From 11am on 7th May, the Village Green will be transformed into a fun filled Coronation Event. This event is aimed at families, with a variety of wholesome games and activities which can be enjoyed by young and old. Activities include hook a duck, coconut shy, beat the goalie, plus much more!
Our very own parish councillors have also been great sports so for a limited time only and for a small fee, you can have some fun thoroughly soaking your council representatives whilst they are …
[ READ MORE → ]In May, the Village Hall committee members will be having a “spring clean”, we’ll be going through all our cupboards, store rooms and the loft to tidy up and clear out some bits that are no longer used. We appreciate that over the years some groups may have stored things in the Hall that they use from time to time. If this is you, then please let us know so we can keep hold of it. If we don’t hear back from you, there is a good chance that these items could be passed to charity shops or the tip to be disposed of. If you believe you have some bits at the Village Hall that need keeping then please email and we’ll keep them to one side! This will include the PC that uses the Hall. Thank you
Days for your diary…
As previously announced local council elections will be held on 4th May. The existing seven members of the Parish Council have all indicated their wish to stand again and as the Council now has places for nine members and there were no new nominations the existing Parish Councillors have been reappointed to serve. This does mean that there are vacancies for a further two Councillors and we would welcome expressions of interest from interested villagers.
As this will be a busy period following the elections and the Coronation weekend, the formal Annual Meeting of the Parish Council will not take place until 18th May. This Annual …
[ READ MORE → ]Also in June we have the Pendle Pub Walk where the RVC and the Bay Horse are both official venues. As you’ve come to expect it will be a great afternoon filled with live entertainment and delicious food and beverages available to provide sustenance to the weary walkers.
The Friends of Newchurch School 100 Club draw took place for April, the winners are:
Thank you to all who take part in the monthly draw, it is very much appreciated.
Building Update – As you may be aware, the contractors have finally started work on our much-needed extension. Unfortunately, they have encountered problems with some structural tree roots for our protected tree, which has caused slight delays. However, the project is still due for completion during Summer. We apologise for any inconvenience caused throughout the build process and we would like to sincerely thank you for your understanding and support.The purpose built extension will enable us to provide wrap-around care provisions, which will reduce congestion and parking issues outside school. Throughout the school day, the new extension will be utilised as an additional teaching space …
[ READ MORE → ]We have enjoyed another very busy half term, but the highlight for everyone at school was the 10 Day Chick Hatching Programme. We had a school full of very excited children watching and waiting for 10 embryo eggs in an incubator to hatch. The children learned many skills caring for the chicks afterwards – it was a very enjoyable experience for all involved.
Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service came into school to talk to Years 2 and 6 to discuss what to do in the event of a fire and how to develop home evacuation plans.
We enjoyed a very interesting visit from the Canals …
[ READ MORE → ]The Woodland Trust, have a free app for identifying British trees, which is available to download for Android & iOS. For more information, see here →
72 Seasons is a creative project, which can encourage a deeper connection to nature and improve wellbeing at the same time. In addition to the seasons profiled each month in Parish News, you can find out more about the project in detail at, or follow along on social media and explore the rest of the 72 Seasons: Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
Our Parish Church exists to be the people of God, through faith in Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, worshipping Him, making disciples and serving others.
Contact Revd. Julie Smith for more details on 01282 613206 or by email →