January 2023
Your official monthly newsletter for the Pendle villages of Barley, Newchurch, Roughlee, Sabden Fold & Spenbrook.
Sign up for the monthly email below:
January 2023
Your official monthly newsletter for the Pendle villages of Barley, Newchurch, Roughlee, Sabden Fold & Spenbrook.
Sign up for the monthly email below:
Happy New Year, and welcome to the new-look Parish News!
Back in 2003, Editor James Starkie evolved the Parish News into a booklet format, and a network of volunteers distributed it through every letterbox in the area. This continued until mid-2020, when the pandemic made digital distribution the new norm under John Parsons’ editorship. Last year, Lee Hunt did a brilliant job refreshing its design – many thanks to him for all his hard work.
Today, as Parish News embarks upon its 20th year, I begin as the new Editor and am overseeing a further leap in its evolution. My task is to make it easier to …
[ READ MORE → ]I wonder how many of your Christmas cards showed Joseph amongst the familiar stable scene with the shepherds, wise men and angels? How much do you know about him? What was this man like who became a father to a very special child? What do you know about those Wise Men who brought the gifts to that special child?
The three Wise Men (or kings, or magi if you prefer) brought gold, frankincense and myrrh.
The Church of England celebrates their visit on 6th January each year and/or on the Sunday nearest to the 6th. Carols and hymns are sung and the story is told from the …
[ READ MORE → ]10 puzzling questions about Barley, Goldshaw Booth and Roughlee. Kick-start your brain ready for the New Year ahead!
As we all know, football isn’t “coming home” following England’s defeat by France. I did write in the last issue I thought we could do well if we avoided penalties but it was a missed late penalty in the game that disappointed and so we left Qatar earlier than we had hoped. For the Burnley fans around here, the depression was short lived as the Clarets played the next day and won and went top of the league, but the World Cup wait is another four years.
With Christmas fast approaching we hope you will have noticed the new stars on the Village Hall, they …
[ READ MORE → ]It would be easy for me to recount the Community events of this year, to recall the successes, to tell of how the growing number of residents, the school, Church and Parish Council are working together in support of the Community (and I would if I had the space here), but, for me the growth of Goldshaw Booth Community spirit comes in the form of a tin of biscuits!
At a Parish Council meeting Julie (resident) came along and presented the idea of a Christmas hamper gift for the older and more vulnerable residents of the Parish. This was embraced by the Parish Council and the …
[ READ MORE → ]The Friends of Newchurch School 100 Club draw took place for December, the winners are:
Thank you to all who take part in the monthly draw, it is very much appreciated.
The past year, 2022, was a busy one in Roughlee with a number of highs, notably success in the Best Kept Village competition and involvement in the Platinum Jubilee celebrations, and lows characterised by the loss of several villagers and the death of the Queen.
The year also saw major improvements to the Village Centre and its surrounds and a full programme of events.
December saw a return of the Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch with involvement of the children of Roughlee School who gave an entertaining and moving concert. The lunch was prepared and served by volunteers from the village and was greatly enjoyed by over 40 …
[ READ MORE → ]Roughlee Village Centre’s 2023 calendar of events is now available – get the following dates in your diary:
Malkin Morris is holding a free, no obligation, open evening on Monday 16th January at Roughee Village Centre, 7pm to 9pm. Come and learn a dance and see if you might enjoy keeping fit in such a fun, creative and inexpensive way. The dancing is energetic, enjoyable and includes learning performance skills. No previous experience is required though, of course, always welcomed.
Musicians are also welcomed to join our lively band. Any experience level and any instrument welcomed as long as you can play in G!
Further details from Gin Crewe, familycrewe@hotmail.com / 07887844025, our facebook page or just turn up
Roughlee Village Centre, in conjunction with The Bay Horse Inn Roughlee, invite you to join our new monthly competition with a chance of winning a £20 voucher to spend at the Bay Horse Inn and at the same time supporting two charities which are particularly close to many in the area.
Each month we will post a photograph taken locally. All you have to do is identify where the photograph was taken from by referring to to the grid map (view it here), then deciding where that point is on the map e.g C22, H15 etc.
For the minimum charity contribution of £2 you …
[ READ MORE → ]Pendle Hill is the home of 72 Seasons, first created as a year-long research project in 2020, designed by Kirsty Rose Parker (founder & director of The Evaluator), to measure how being more connected to nature makes us feel. We do that through working with a team of volunteer seasonal seekers. The seasons agreed now form a very special calendar where the seasons change every 4 or 5 days, originally inspired by the ancient natural calendar in Japan. Have fun looking for the subtle natural changes in the world around you, and at the same time you might just notice a boost in your wellbeing.
72 Seasons is a creative project, which can encourage a deeper connection to nature and improve wellbeing at the same time.
In addition to the seasons profiled each month in Parish News, you can find out more about the project in detail at www.72seasons.co.uk, or follow along on social media and explore the rest of the 72 Seasons: Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
Our Parish Church exists to be the people of God, through faith in Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, worshipping Him, making disciples and serving others.
Contact Revd. Julie Smith for more details on 01282 613206 or by email →