March 2023
Your official monthly newsletter for the Pendle villages of Barley, Newchurch, Roughlee, Sabden Fold & Spenbrook.
Sign up for the monthly email below:
March 2023
Your official monthly newsletter for the Pendle villages of Barley, Newchurch, Roughlee, Sabden Fold & Spenbrook.
Sign up for the monthly email below:
In my Christmas sermon I mentioned that Christmas 2022 was what is known as a Vicar’s Christmas because 25th December fell on a Sunday (in theory less work for the Vicar!). One of the suggestions from the excellent Roots resource that the church uses was to think about how Christmas isn’t just for Christmas. Each 25th of the month we are invited to think of an aspect of Christmas that can inspire us to do something for ourselves, the local community or the wider world.
25th March is a special day in the Christian calendar. It goes by the rather fancy title of ‘Annunciation of Our …
[ READ MORE → ]This week was the one-year anniversary of Russia invading Ukraine and much to my surprise, Ukraine still stands. We have all felt the impact of the war in our pockets as commodity prices have increased but the war is robbing the people of stability, safety, friends, family and hopes for the future. A different, but equally sad plight, for many Syrians and Turks following the devastating earthquake back on 6 February, I am sure life is at the very least as bad there as it is in the worst areas of the Ukraine.
Not meaning to sound cynical, but the press would have us …
[ READ MORE → ]A resident recently commented that we ‘never see anyone in Winter’ and that she was looking forward to the warmer, lighter months and to chatting with people around the parish again… On this I think we can all agree!
We can look forward to spending more time outside and as we start making plans for the parish; the gardens, woodland and park, and the annual Community events, the PC are mindful to provide for the needs of as many people as possible. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas (either through the Facebook group, by chatting or by coming along to …
[ READ MORE → ]First, to let you know that our next Parish Council meeting is on Monday 6th March at 7pm in the Village Centre.
We are expecting that the meeting will be attended by our local police officers who will be able to answer questions and deal with your local concerns. So if you have things you wish to discuss with the police please attend at 7pm.
Also on matters affecting the Parish Council, you may be aware that local Council elections will be held on 4th May 2023. These elections are for Pendle Borough Council and for Parish Councils including Roughee. At the moment Roughlee has 7 Parish …
[ READ MORE → ]Lots going on at Roughlee Village Centre as usual, some highlights below:
March 4 – Panto Launch breakfast meeting, come along to the RVC at 10am on 4th March for a brew and a breakfast buttie and find out more about our very own panto and how you can get involved!
March 4 – RVC is delighted to be hosting another Race Night. 8 races, tote betting, pie and pea supper, music ’til late, bring your own drinks. Tickets at the bargain price of £10, order by 1 March from Glen on 07849 774438. You don’t want to miss out, so get your tickets soon.
Save the date Saturday 6th May: Roughlee Village Centre is hosting our very own Coronation Party. We’re keeping the details top secret for now as we don’t want to spoil the surprise but please hold the date in your diaries for one heck of a party!
Save the date – Roughlee Beer & Gin Festival, 2-4 June 2023 – 3 days of hand-pulled beer, craft gins, live music and hot food with iconic beers – award winners of the last 20 years. Open 2pm-11pm, £3 entry / CAMRA members and children free.
This year Barley Chapel will be holding a number of Craft Fairs over the next few months. The funds raised are for the running of the Chapel so please support us.
The dates are:
Variety of craft stalls including home made jam and cake stall, Tombola. These weekends allow us to meet together as a community and catch up which is really important for our village.
Each weekend we will also be selling Takeaway Afternoon Teas for £7.50 (adult) / £5 (child) – please give Angie a call to order on 07967 121031.
The Friends of Newchurch School 100 Club draw took place for February, the winners are:
Thank you to all who take part in the monthly draw, it is very much appreciated.
Werner’s nomenclature of colour is a book, first published in 1814, which Charles Darwin used to describe the colours of the natural world in his observations. You can have a go yourself as the book is available online. Why not have a look at Werner’s Greens for this and compare them to your surroundings.
How do you feel about the descriptions and titles of the colours? Do you agree, or do you have your own ideas?
72 Seasons is a creative project, which can encourage a deeper connection to nature and improve wellbeing at the same time. In addition to the seasons profiled each month in Parish News, you can find out more about the project in detail at, or follow along on social media and explore the rest of the 72 Seasons: Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
Roughlee CE Primary School Easter Fair will take place on Thursday 30th March 2023 1.30pm – 3.30pm. The children will be busy making items that will be on sale alongside a variety of stalls being run by school. The fair will be an invaluable source of fundraising for school and will help us to buy resources for the children and take them on fantastic free school trips. You are all welcome to attend.
Congratulations to Karen Riley who won our first £20 Bay Horse Voucher for the month of January, correctly identifying Four Lane ends at Annel Cross Moor.
Thanks to all for your entries in helping to support British Heart Foundation.
Why not have a go in our March Competition? This can be found on the following Facebook link:
A new Bowland Farmer Group has been developed by the Forest of Bowland AONB and is now open for farmers to sign up. It aims to act as a contact group for Farmers within the Forest of Bowland AONB during the agricultural transition to offer support and connectivity, and to promote new friendships and contacts across the area. The group will run ‘on-farm’ events with key speakers attending, send quarterly e-newsletters, and regular email updates with potential funding opportunities, local training events and information on relevant farming news. There is no charge for becoming a member, and you can sign up by emailing or visiting the website.
Don’t forget to check out the Pendlefolk interview archives, now hosted by Parish News. Featuring 12 interviews from around Pendle Hill, from mavericks to volunteer rangers, Malkin Tower to the Old Parsonage, reservoirs and summit stones to sculpture trails… and more! View the full Pendlefolk archive here →
Our Parish Church exists to be the people of God, through faith in Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, worshipping Him, making disciples and serving others.
Contact Revd. Julie Smith for more details on 01282 613206 or by email →